Letter re: Oflag 64

Letter re: Oflag 64
Barron, Eldora
Wednesday. Jan. 9th 1944 Dear Mr. Carter: - Enclosed are two letters I received from Col. Barron yesterday. I was quite please over the Dec. 10th one coming in such a short time. Am sending on also that I received, Jan 2nd. Written Sept. 18th. I do not understand about the parcles etc, but after yesterday's 2 letter I went out gathered up everything he asked for and got it off at once. I do hope you have had good news from Amon Jr and that he is well and fine. I would like to have these letters back as soon as possible, for I read them over and over each day. Very Sincerely, Eldora Barron 3200 Ethel Ave. Waco. Darling Dodie Girl - Jan. 9, 1943. Still no letter, but always hoping for tomorrow. I can just see you, busy around the house- or playing at the piano and singing, or driving the car with Pal sticking his nose out. Oh, how I long for a magic carpet to suddenly transport myself these thousands of miles- but some day, Sweethear, it will happen- Honey, I wish you would have Ann send me cigarettes, cocoa, coffee, and sugar from Canada. - That can be done in addition to the ones you can send - Lots of the men here get them that way - We run awful short on those items. And - I almost forgot_ salt, pepper, some spices, rice, flour_ as much as they will allow you to send_ Other than needing those things, I am getting along fine_ not even a bad cold yet - Hope you are well_but these four months since I heard from you have been "HELL"- and dont be surprised when you see my gray hair_ Tell everyone "Hello"_ and to write_If you can get in touch with the "Kiddos"_ give them my address and love and urge them to write_ My receiving mail is unlimited_and remember me to Effie and Pal_Goodby, darling_Gaines Lt. Col. Gaines J. Barron 3065 Mit luft poste Nach Nord Amerike chg. 40 ptgs. (rec'd Fri. Feb 3rd) Mrs. Gaines J. BArron 3200 Ethel Ave Waco Texas United States America. Jan. 15, 1943. My Dearest One - Another long week gone by_and a very sad one for us_ We were so shocked and grieved at the sudden death of Dick Torrence. It happened last Monday morning_ As we stood "Roll Call" he slumped to the ground and never regained consciousness_ he lived less that 30 minutes. I was standing about ten feet from him when it happened. I talked to him as we dressed on getting up and apparently he was O.K. Just before his collapse, he said," I sure feel funny"_ That was all. We finally secured permission to bury him with Full military honors_Flag, firing squad, bugler, and all. I have secured permission to write a letter to his Dad_ in the meantime give them all my deepest sympathy_ but be sure to "Official Notice" has been received before you mention it. - An autopsy showed it to be heart trouble_ Now don't let this worry you about me. I'm well and getting along fine_ If only your letters would start coming and relieve me of some of my worry about you_ But I keep telling myself that you will be _ And we feel more and more that the time is getting shorter_ And remember that a heart full of love for you is behind this wire_ Gaines Mit luft poste Nach Nord Amerika 40 ptgs (rec'd Sat. Feb 4th) Mrs. Gaines J. Barron 3200 Ethel Ave Waco Texas United States America
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Prisoners of war
World War II
Box 141, POW - B Miscellaneous 1944-1945 folder, Item 001
5.25x7 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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