Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.

Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
Arlington Tex March 21st Mr A G Carter Dear Amon I am writting I am writing in simpthy with you in behalf of your son being missing oh Amon you don’t know how sorry I was to hear a bout your son being missing but lets us trust God that he will do the right thing for without God we can not do any thing I am praying for him all the time for your and your son that God will take care of him for you and send him home to you and the 2 girls some sweet day, I know you are Hart Broken over the sad news Amon I know how to Simpthyse with you for God called our (illegible) son home 35 years ago and I haven't quit missing him yet But you do have hope that your son will be back some day with you I know it is awful hard for you to think of him being captured by the enemys. But trust God he will 2. take care of him. Amon we cant understand all of these world troubles but we will when we all get to Heaven we will all understand all things then. Amon there isnt much that I could say to you to console you now for it will take time for your sorrys to vanish I know by experience you and the 2 girls surely do have my simpthy from the depth of my hart I am surely glad yourvisited him last fall I know he enjoyed having you with him those few months I have been praying for him every since I heard that he had gone over seas oh Amon don't give up hopes and keep praying for him I know God will answer prayers if we will trust him in the right way God tells us in the Bible to pray and to let him know our sorrys and he will heel our browken hart the ones that trusts him 3 and in the Bible a gain he tells us he will in no wise cast us out but we will half to have faith in God that he will help us for God has helped me in lots of things Amon faith is what we all knead to trust God he sais what so every you ask for and believe we shall have ask in the name of the son the father and the holy Gost you shall have so if Amon Jr is captured by the enemy trust God and he will take care of him Amon dont fail to pray and I am praying for you and Amon Jr God is all the true friend we have our warly friends may forsake us but God never forsakes any one that trust him. I would like very much to come to see you but I havent any way to come only on the Bust and it is 4 so far from the Buss station I cant walk that far so I guess I will just stay at home and pray for you and family I do hope you will here from Amon Jr soon when you do please letme here from you for I am anxious to hear from him too I hope you want wearry your self sick of course I know you cant keep from wearring may God bless you all. Amon I want to thank you for the check your sectery sent me while you were absent Christmas I think it was nice of her for thinking of me while you were gone tell her I certenly do appericite it verry much Meny thanks to you for the check of course you do understand I do appriciate the checks Amon Whin is Henry Brooks and Geen have they been sen to the camps 5 yet, I havnt heard from them in a great while Henry did come to see me right ofton but he hasnt been out here for over a year so I didnt know why he hadnt come lately, will Amon I will close hoping that when you hear from Amon Jr that he is well and doing fine so good by Amon From Tammie
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Prisoners of war
World War II
Box 141, POW - Capture (March 17-22) 5 of 11 folder, Item 096
7.25x10.5 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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