Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.

Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
Amon dear.- I received the clipping yesterday and I know how your heart is breaking these days. Thank goodness tho there is the chance that Amon Jr is a prisoner in German hands & while even that may be dreadful_it may, on the other hand, keep him from greater harm & when this awful war is ended, give him back to you. So many of John's friends, so many sons of my friends will not come bakc, & it occurs to me that I just can't keep up any feeling of courage when the messages keep coming in_ yet, we must keep hoping_ and praying that our boys may be among the lucky ones_ I sometimes wonder how they_ the sons of our generation can ever forgive us our (illegible) selfishness. I am going down to spend Easter with John at Newport R.I. He may get leave to come home before his next assignment_ but he writes that is very indefinite, so I am taking no chances. Will be there for Sat, Sunday & Monday & then maybe come on back to New York & wait there hoping he can have a day or three with me_ Some (illegible) do us both good, I think. How wonderful that you had that visith with Amon Jr. in England 3. I know you wouldn't take anything for it- every minute with them is so precious. Tell your secretary to change my address in her record_ When John went into the Navy, the running of Merrier (illegible) was too much for me_ so we sold it. We've rented this place for 2 years_ opting for 2 more_ By that time surely the war will be over. I wish there was something I could say to give you help and courage these days. But I am a (illegible) myself these days. I can only say "Hang on to hope"_ with all your might_ and as Mother wrote me the other day "He who asks of Me_ Believing_ him will I hear_" Please let me hear when any further word comes thru. Much love Miriam P.S. I've had a British (illegible) Sailor for 2 weeks- was at Selkirk- was torpedoed. HIs boat in Norfolk for repairs. He was in hospital there 6 wks. 22 years old. (illegible) that fairly hurt with what they've seen_He left Thursday_ (illegible) comes next week. How little we can do!
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Prisoners of war
World War II
Box 141, POW - Capture (March 23-31) 6 of 11 folder, Item 093
7.25x7.5 paper
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