Letter re: Ma and Pa Ferguson

Letter re: Ma and Pa Ferguson
Wheelock, K. K.
Dear sir: Gov. Ferguson seems to have found you quite at home when she "called." It is astonishing that we are drifting into the lowest stages of Bolshevism (illegible) chances which should direct out citizenry to higher planes. She charges you with being drunk but simply because you were drunk is not an extenuating circumstance. When you are drunk you have simply taken off the veneer and how your real self. I am not carping; I am simply wondering how low the average newspaper man will finally drop his pure commercialism. There was a time when there was a close connection between the (illegible) and the welfare of the state. but now the newspaper man merely coins his opportunity into money. You are a representation of the whole newspaper fraternity-rotten commercialism an now you forget just where to step. You are what would be called a successful newspaper man-Gerald Chapman was a successful bandit till he was caught. It certainly does not speak volumes for your state school that men of your character may be a regent. But what is a little thing like character among newspapers that their publishers? Texas is a (illegible) state and I am interested in its development. but you are not the type which will carry it far in its best development. If I was not interested in the good of Texas I should have paid no attention to the press dispatches. But I have five (?) grandchildren being educated in your schools and am paying their expenses so that I have a right to (illegible) your notoriety. Sometimes the greatest good a man can do his country is to leave it and likewise the greatest good you could do could confer upon Texas would be to resign--"next (?) upon the order of your going but go at once." Of course like the regular crook, you will cry out "Frame up." That is too transparent to (illegible). The youth of our country have become so used to (illegible) our criminals that every added circumstance is just another step backwards. The way we exclaim with Cicero-- oh tempora! Oh Mores! And men of your type are laid low with the struggle (Illegible) (Illegible) will arise one day "the men on horseback" who will lead the people with the (Illegible) of a revolution. I do not know what your financial may be but surely your moral qualifications write you down as a politician (Illegible) which there is nothing worse--and I am not pointing to Indiana as an example--we have McCray--at Atlanta, our neighbor Illinois have Len Smalls--God! how long, oh! How long before something will happen to the people of America to rouse them from their lethargic slumber! I have no (Illegible)for Gov. Ferguson--know nothing of your dissentions --peculations and financial interested from which the state suffers but I do know that only men of real character should preside over the educational interests of Texas. Sincerely, K K Wheelock
Ferguson, Miriam A. "Ma"
Ferguson, James E. "Pa"
Governor of Texas
Texas Tech University
Box 77, Ferguson ("Ma" and "Pa") Controversy 1925-1927 (Clippings) 2 of 7 folder, Item 038
7.5x12 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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