Letter re: February updates

Letter re: February updates
Carter, Amon Giles, 1879-1955
Feb 19-43 Dear Cow Boy, I wrote you a long letter Thursday - and give you all the news. I only hope you have received some of our letters by this time. I will wire Gen. Hartle to try and get some word to 2 Jane. Then I cabled Miss Hechin to call up the G---- and see if he received the cable and to ask him if he could get some word to Jane the same way that we at home are O.K. and that I arrived home on Dec 30th although I arrived in New York Dec. 26th having spend Xmas aboard one of the largest B---- in the world The pictures yall sent are marvelous 3 and I am sending copies to all [?] I have just had a nice letter form Mrs. SUmmerall Ms Stipp Mrs Pireney and Mrs Burney they were all tickled with the pictures Mrs Sidney Wideman and Sidney's mother will be here tomorrow 4 and I will show them all the pictures including the movies. I hope Sidney will be in some of them I am having some of the stills blown up and will send them to the different 5 wives. I am crazy about the one in the station with you in the flying boots and cap with the usual cigar in your mouth you are smiling and it is one of the best you have ever had made. I am having it blown up the largest size possible. We are all excited and nervous about where you are and how you are faring, and while I have never prayed much 6 I pray for you every night and morning and tell the Good Lord if he will only permit you to return I will spend the balance of my life and all I make in doing good dees for others. Bless your heart 7 Dad dreams of you every night and my heart aches for the sight of you. God love your precious soul. Its hard for you to know just how much 8 you mean to Dad my whole life and ambition is tied up in you and the fact that I want you when the war is over to come home and take my place in running the paper. Yall have so much to look forward to some how I have faith in your usual good luck and the fact that you are such a grand boy. so keep your chin up and your [?] trouble 9 how I wish I could come to you. If any thing happens and you should get wounded Dad will be there some way some how - I would give my life to be with you now. If I would not be in 10 the way. Two more of your cables came in today from Montevideo Uruguay. The chef and Mr Sporles goot a big kick out of the cables you sent them 11 the boys around town are all [?] [?] in the Army and Navy. Phylis and Ray came by to see me but I was out. Bill Buck is in the Air Corpse CR Smith is back from a three months trip to Africa he sent me a cute letter which I have had Ray to copy for me and I am enclosing a copy to you. Sorry he did not get to see you 12 well my sweet [?] Cowboy. Good night [?] God Bless and send you home to your loved ones my entire thoughs day and nights are of you. With all my heart Dad Amon G. Carter
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 144, POW Correspondence 5 of 7 Folder, Item 019
10.5x6 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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