Letter re: prisoners of war

Letter re: prisoners of war
Carter, Amon Gary, 1919-1982
January 17, 1944 Dear Katrine, Received your letter of Nov. 25th a few days ago, By using 30c airmail we get them a lot quicker. Am getting along fine, but don't have much energy. I take my vitamin pills daily. I will try and give you a picture of our daily life, but it will be hard to picture it correctly. We get up at 7:30Am and at 8 we have parade. We form up behind the building and a German officer counts us and after that we pass the time until noon, when we have our first meal. After that, I usually take a nap to keep warm and at 3:30 we have another parade and are counted again. At five we have supper and then we play cards, study, argue, and hope until 10:30 when the lights go out. Hate to think of spending much more time like this. We have movies every now and then in the mess hall. What I like best is Wednesday because then we have hot water to bathe in. We are allowed 5 minutes under the shower. A lot of officers have been receiving mail from home, mentioning a bulletin or some form of paper the Red Cross puts out monthly, don't like some of the things it says and hope you take it all with a grain of salt. Please thank Mr. Record and Mrs. Kennady for their book parcels. Your swell Toilet Kit came just in time. Nice letters also from Mildred, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Adams, Mr. Fleming, Agnes Morgan, and nice cards from JB Plangman. Is Mac Isvell of Ft Worth a Prisoner? He was missing when I was in Africa. He was a good friend of mine at TX. Ask Flem to send me some good football or baseball snapshots, maybe some of Dillard's and small size. Really enjoy his letters. Give my regards to all. Tell Carl Hello. Love Amon Jr.
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 144, POW Correspondence 2 of 4 Folder, Item 005
5.75x13 paper
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