Letter re: prisoner of war updates

Letter re: prisoner of war updates
Carter, Amon Gary, 1919-1982
Oflag 64 May 10, 1944 Dear Dad, Please forget what I said last week about Mrs. Meadows. I will write later about it. Tell Kent Cooper he should see Larry next month. Size of us have just finished eating the "Quaker oats" that came in my January parcel. It was really good. So far non of my January cigar pipes have arrived, but I expect them any day now. Am glad we can now 200 cigars a month. I work in the parcel store here and it's quite a job with 500 officers receiving parcels, but it gives me something to do. There are several officers here who have been to Mexica, Texas, and White Sulfur Springs, W. Virginia, and it made me sick to what they had seen; especially in Texas. Sure wish I had a say so in the matter. I can't see why you are doing it, you don't have a true picture of things. They will find out someday though. Anyways Texas is the best state, and once I get home I'll never leave it, unless it's going South to Meo. Larry Allen has left to be exchanged and will leave Barcelona on May 17th, so he should be home soon. He has been here for 8 months. I know you will look him up in New York. It will be interesting, Lt Fabian's mother is going to write you, but please don't send her copies of my letters. Just tell her about the camp (over) All of the Texas officers certainly do appreciate the information you give their relatives. I am fine but it is still very chilly in our barracks. Hope summer arrives soon. Tell Sonny Neely for me that I hope he is pretty rough. Love, Amon Jr.
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 144, POW Correspondence 2 of 4 Folder, Item 027
5.75x13 paper
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