Letter re: prisoner of war updates

Letter re: prisoner of war updates
Carter, Amon Gary, 1919-1982
December 17, 1944 Dearest Ruth, Received the picture of you 21st Birthday party and it certainly looks as if you have a shortage of men in the states. We have over 110 officers here and I am sure all of them would give anything to be sitting at the table with all those good looking gals. This week is the coldest we have had so far. and the officers in this cubicle built a small stove out of 55 empty powered milk cans and it does help keep us warm, but the fuel is a problem. It will toast bread in a minute; in fact I just ate my last slice for today when I should save it for breakfast in the morning. On our wall we have written "V Day _________" Each morning we make a big ceremony of writing down how many more days we have. today we wrote 233, so you can figure it out. I now live in a small section of the barracks, or a cubicle as we call it, with 7 other officers. Four of us were caught in Africa, 2 in Sicily, and two in France. I am the only single man out of the 8. Three of them have kids and two were only with their wives for 3 weeks before leaving the states, so you can imagine all the "bleeding and griping" that goes on. Please answer any letters their wives write you. I am enclosing a picture of the minstrel show we had last year. All the costumes are home made and it really isn't a real girl (we certainly need a few in camp). Write often and send lost of pictures and jokes Am studying German 2 hours a day now. Lots of Love, Bud
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 144, POW Correspondence 2 of 4 Folder, Item 073
5.75x13 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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