Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Drake, Thomas D.
Dear Mr. Carter: As I am going away for deveral days on an inspection trip I shall drop you a line. I am enclosing a copy of a letter to Miss Jackson which will interst you. No one has talked with me except some staff officers. One came in Monday monrning from General Marshall's office with the telegram to Steve Farley. Wanted to know if I had any date the President would like to have. Wed. morning three came to see me and wanted to know with I had any date not inmy report made upon my return (report to G-2) I told them I knew about the seixing and destorying of Red Cross food by the Germans. they then asked what plan you were reffering to. I told them to ask you that question if they had any right to know. Frankly, I didn't like the set-up. They conferred together with State Dept. men and Red Cross without me being present and gave me the impression they were trying to find out if I had divulged anything to you rather than a helpful attitude. General Surles, Bureau of Public Relations called me and I told him what my ideas were, he thanked me but was non-commital. I'm giving you the information of the results of your wire because I have on idea Mr. Early received an adverse reccomendation. From all I know, I don't believe there is any doubt about the German treatment but merely that the offical policy has been adopted to keep secret the information and to protest thru the State Department. I expect to be back next Thursday or Friday. Mrs. Patton, wife of General Patton, is also trying to get an appointment for me with the Secretary of War. I'll let you know of any developments. General Arnold hasn't talked with me expect over telephone asking me to see mrs.arnold. With the kindest regards and the hope that with the coming new year will bring you much happieness in the return of your son. I remain, sincerely, Thomas D. Drake
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 145, POW Drake Misc 1944-45 Folder 2 of 2, Item 018
8x10 paper
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