Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Harding, Margaret E.
Dear Miss Deakins - It has been my intention each day to write, and thank you again for the articles, etc from the Star Telegram that you sent to me. For any word of Amon Jr. jus makes everything seem so much brighter. More than evere before I feel assured that He is allriht and will get a message to me when it is possible. God is everhwere and I'm sure that prayer helped, even though Amon was so far away. My pastor, at the Baptist Curch here , was a German prisoner WWI and he has been such a comforting person to talk with about amon. He too, by request, remembered AMon in his prayers and so many others who are friends of im, have don likewise. I coninue to write to him and non of the letters have been returne. So there is a mere chane of his receiiving on some day. In his last letter dated, Jan 29th, e asked me to keep writingfor the letters would finally catch up with them. Of course, he had no idea of being caputred but where ever he is, I feel there's change of them reching him. Know you'd get a thrill if you could see the darling scrapbook I have made of Amon Jr from Knox, to NY, to Ireland, and N. Africa. And there's room for lots more letters. You recall, I mentioned that a freidn of mine heard someone speak of Amon Jr. on Vox Pop? I tried to contact the masters of ceremonies and finally, received an answer last week but they said he was speaking of Mr. Carter (Sr.). As a little expression of my gratitude for your kindness during Amon's departure, a little figt is being sent to you today here in the captial of KY it is quite famous. In fct it's sent to many states and wethink it's wonderful for it's made with "KY Burbon" They're called Kentucky Colonels and I do hope you like them. If Mr. Carter is at home now, you might let him sample it too. Again, thanks for every thoughtful message. My regards to Mr. Carter and tell him I'm most happy for him that AMon Jr. has been located. Very Truly yours- Marg. E. Harding
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 145, POW H Misc 1942-43 Folder, Item 008
7x8 paper
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