Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Harding, Margaret E.
Dear Mrs. Deakins - So many things have happened in the the last few weeks and my one desire is that with all of the releasing of prisoners Amon is one of them? The horrible pictures showing the atrocities committed by the Germnas, almost drive me insane. For it just can't be possible. Am sure you have already heard the record of the boys who were POW at Oflag 64 before the Russians reached there? It came over a Louisville Station last week and the one who spoke for Texas was John Jones, Houston, was so hopeful Amon's name would be mentioned. He spoke cheerfully of course, Had to, I'm sure? He is evidently one whom the Nazi doctors that Amon isn't safe somewhere? God only knows what the poor boy has suffered. Doesn't it seem ages ago since he left? I continue to write to Oflag 64 but don't feel he's getting any mail now. I've looked for a letter or card for weeks now, but to day , latest communication was Dec. 28th. that I sent to you. Considered in too bad condition to move. Do hope he has been liberated. I met hime one evening at a dance when Amon and I were in Louisville. He and Amon Jr. seemed fond of eachoher. One of the ladies here was telling me that she believed Amon's faher's name was mentioned as a Corresondent to Germany? We take the Courier if it was in it, I dind't happen to read it. However, several of the list were men - on the radio and I did listen in hopes Mr. Carter would go as one of the correspondants - Sen. Barbley went what do you think about AMon Jr? Do you believe he's still alirght or living anyways? I just can't give up hope but thiks look dreadfully. We get out May 17th and I plan to go to Lexington to school for me summer session. Want to take Spanish as I like languages ut have never studied Spanish know I'll like ti - Am singing in several programs and receitals and have practiced quite religiously for the past weeks. It's fun though and I love it. One of my cute little pupils asked me the blue at times. The death our beloved Pres. Roosevelt was such a catastrophe to the nation. To me, he was the man of the age and ages to come. Mr. Truman seems to be carrying right on and I'm sure he'll make a good succesor. Know you're most busy now. School is busy these days . Tests, graduation, excercises, recitals etc other day to since Deep in the Heart of Texas. Thought I better them sing with me for I was afraid I'd never get through it. Amon Jr. loved it and it was quite popular the year he was a Ft. Kurp. Well, Mrs. Deakins, when you can, I'd like to hear from you, In the meantime, if any message at all reches me, I'll foreward it to you. Let's keep our fingers cross and our prayers contineued for a sae return of Amon Jr. Sincerely, Marg. E Harding
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 145, POW H Misc 1944-45 Folder, Item 022
5.5x8.5 paper
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