Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Brogan, John H.
Dear Mr. Carter: Thank you very much for you letter of Marcy 31, 43 advising me of you trip to Washington sicking information regarding your son. The information you give me is quite rationable and saves me a trip to Washington as I would be unable to secrue any information which of would differ from that which you so kindly sent me. We are hooping to get some information through the full srouce. Bishop AW Lenard of Washington the senior methodist Bishop was just here appointed by President Roosevelt to visit the protestant chaplains in Africa and other American Camps. He is a personal friend of ours and will stay with us overnight next Saturday April 10th. When he comes to Miami, to take a plane in January, when in Africa is going to imagine through the Chaplain to Phil's regiment to see if any of his comrades know whether or not that Phil was taken prisoner, if you send me details as to your son's regiment I will ask the Bishop to make similar inquires regarding your son. It will be some satisfaction to us if we know definitely that Phil is a prisoner. Please send the information by return air mail or night letter so that i will have it Saturday when the Bishop stops with us. ALso plese return this clipping regarding the Bishop. We will be leaving Florida for Buffalo about April 15th so I am enclosing a card with by BVuffalo address in case you should want to write me after April 15th. I am not use to writing with a pen hope you can read it and hoping that we will soon get some definite news. Your sincerely, John H. Brogan
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 145, POW L Misc 1943-45 Folder, Item 016
5x6 paper
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