Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Meadows, Niram John
Dear Mr. Carter: I received your letter written for Mr. Carter today. It was delayed at my home because my mother was expecting me home any day and she kept thinking she was saving time by keeping it for the time being. It seems like a military secret into when they are going to get me out of here. I am always going to know in a day or two. I am very sorry that I missed getting to talk to Mr. Carter which I was in M.J. I spent eleven days at Hallovaz and went into N.Y most every night. so you see I am not in serious condition. I one some though if Mr. Carter got down to see Col. Drake he got a better report from the boys than I could give. It was very fine of you to have the pictures repoducted and seent ut to the other next of kin. I am glad Mrs. Tonner got the pictues of her sons funeral. Maybe it was a decent funera as she had expected under the given circumstances. I have gotten a letter from her. I am going to send you wo or three copies of the couple newspaper and maybe you can get some ideas of what the coup was like from that. Of course, it wascensored by the Germnans also. Maybe those will be someting in there that you write to. God ina day or two I will send you the address of the previous included in the pictures that I didn't send pictures to. I believe they would be bery glad to get them. I know that Amon got a lot of mail from you and we all got a lot of news thourgh them. You write excellent letters. I suppose you would have to be to be a good secretary for so long. I tried to call Mr. Carter this morning but they told me that he was still out of town and they couldn't reach you on the phone. Sincerely yours, M.J. Meadows
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 146, POW M Misc 1944, Item 045
7.25x10.5 paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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