Letter re: prisoner of war
- Title
- Letter re: prisoner of war
- Creator
- Palasota, Lucille
- Institution
- Link
- https://repository.tcu.edu/handle/116099117/44519
- Description
- Dear Mr. Carter, It was very thoughtful of you to invite me converning my son, John Palasata. I appreciate it very much an I must say it did help me a lot. Since learning that your son was also missing, I kept close notice in reading paper to see if the paper carried the news about son. I was very tickled when I noticed this morning tha tupon son was a prisoner of Germany. I was so happy to hear the good news., Sincerely , Mrs. Lucille Palasata
- Subjects
- Prisoners of war
- Carter, Amon G., Jr.
- Source
- Box 146, POW P Misc 1943-45, Item 002
- Type
- Document
- Formats
- 4.5x5 paper
- Rights
- Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph