Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Pike, Majorie H.
Dear Mr. Carter: I appreciated so bvery much the letter advising me your son had asked that you notify us that my husband had been interned at Oflag 64. I received his address on November 14th, and have been so very eager to hear that he has received a calbegram or letter about his daughter, born August 21st, ten days after his capture (our first child after seven years of married life) I am rather optimistic that the mail may be speeded up, since I received a card today dated December 13th and a letter Saturday, the 13th dated December 7th. All other letters have been at least 2 1/2 months old, and I am wonderin g if this an indication the mail service is being inpromvid or if it happens occasionally that letters come through quickly. Do you know hwether Red Cross packages are being receibved by them? I n a priveous letter Herbert was bemoaning their absensce but said in the card dated Dec 13th that they were to receive a Red Cross Christmas package, and were all thrilled about them. I also received a letter today dated Oct. 8th saying they had enjoyed a mighty fine football game that Sunday. He is very cheerful, and says he has no complaints except he is not still in the fight. Naturally his letters are mainly about our new child. Of course the Russian offensive is uppermost in my mind, and I will apprecie it very much if you will put me on the list to let me know anythng you may learn about the personnel of Oflag 64 in the even the Russian reach it. My husband was a memeber of the Lost Battalioin surrounded for 5. 5 days near the Martain, France. He was on the battalion staff, and after battalion headquarters was set up in Martain, the Germans burned everything in the town, even the hospital searching for the Americans. His Colones and several officers I knew were caputred at the same time. He says there were quite a nubmer of us we did our best but to no avail. Again, thanks for the letter. I have now been in communications with any families of the pirsoners of oflag 64 exect those captured at the same time, and the leeter helped releive that lost feeling. sincerely, majorie H. Pike
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 146, POW P Misc 1943-45, Item 018
6x10 paper
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