Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.

Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
Reardon, Patrick H.
U.S. Navy Yard Portsmouth, N. H. September 28, 1944 Dear Katrine, I know it seems incredible, but I am still in the same old place. I have thought many times that my tour of duty in these United States would end, and I would go to sea but I guess my number hasn't come up yet. How is Amon getting along? I receive one of his post-cards about every month or so, but don't say very much. He has been over there so very long, I know he must be very tired of that P.O.W. routine even though he doesn't say much about it. Maxine and I were in New York for a couple days around the 16th of this month. We met her mother and father there and they came up to Portsmouth with us for a visit. I phoned Ruth , but did not have much luck. I also asked about Mr. Carter at the Stork Club and also at the Waldorf. It appears that he had been there about 10 days before. I have finally recovered from my appendectomy and am now able to do all the things I used to. Instead of gas or other, they gave me a spinal and I thnk they must have injured the nerves bcause it took about 8 weeks to get over it. I know this request may be a little premature, but when Amon comes back and if he returns to New York I would appreciate it very much if you would let me know. We are only about 350 miles from there and I would sure like to see him. I know that if I don't see him then it may be a year or more before there is another opportunity. Please give my very best regards to Mr. Carter and Ruth. I was so sorry that I was unable to see or at least phone them when I was in N. Y. Very truly yours Pat
Prisoners of war
World War II
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
Box 147, POW - R-Miscellaneous, Item 023
8x10.5 Paper
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