Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Steward, Allison
Friday- My dear Mr. Carter, I have just read where your son, Amon is now a German prisoner and know you must be so relieved as I am I for you. The reason I'm writing you is because although I might not be of any help at all I wanted to let you know about my husband- It seems that he is a liaison - flying officer for field artillery was shot down, wounded and captured on exactly the same day. February 14th he was taken to an Italian prison hospital and it so happens that although night of us are Catholics they have le thus know there different times about him, working thought the Vatican city - if it hadn't been for them, we wouldn't have know yet about him, so you know how grateful we are to them - not only have they done this for me and many families of Italian prisoners, but in some way they worked through Germany and found out about another woman's son who is Catholic after he was reported missing in action. She doesn't want this fact really known , but I wanted to pass it on to you for what it's worth hoping that it means I might be of value you to you. I've been doubly interested in Amon because he happens to have gone with a very good friend of mine Blanche Page, who was at FL Bragg when we were there and I've heard time and time again so many lovely things about him, so I'd really taken a personal interest in him. I know you , as we are, as so very thankful Amon isn't in Jap hands, and most of all are thankful that he is alive - so much sorrow has come to so many families from this war, which has made us so grateful that Kenneth, although wounded, was spared. It seems that his name has been broadcast by shortwave twice a few nights ago, and although we didn't hear it several people did so now. I'm getting a short wave set to listen for prisoners in Germany and Italy as this too has helped our feelings so much Do you know if Amon's name has been sent on it/ Several people here whose boys are German prisoners taken in January have just started receiving mail from them and the letters sound most encouraging because everyone of them are attending school over there, and that must help them by giving them something to keep busy. Please let me know if there's anything in this world I may do for you or tell you that I've found out through the church for I've been so grateful to them and know what means to hear any little thing about them. Hoping and praying with all my heard for all of them and knowing God will take care of them for us I am very sincerely, Allison steward (Mrs. Kenneth Steward, Jr.) 1454 Milner Crescent, B'ham, Ala. April 16th, 1943
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
World War II
Box 148, POW S Misc 1943, Item 030
5x8 paper
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