Letter re: prisoner of war

Letter re: prisoner of war
Moncrief, Ruby S.
2202 Herring Waco, Texas. Mr. Amon Carter Dear Mr. Carter, I must tell you how very grateful I am for your interesting our dear nephew Capt. Richard Torrene who has been reported dead in a German prison. Having your own prisoners son in this same camp I know how deeply sympathetic you must feel. I appreciate more than you will ever know your efforts to it's find out the fasts in this case. Dick was so fine and dear, it is so hard to know that he is gone and his passing has taken something bright and very sweet out of my life. I feel though, he would not want us to grieve for him for he wrote before he went into Italy that I must not griever or worry whatever happened to him, as no sacrifice was too great to make under the awful conditions he had seen. Today I received a card from he is dated Nov 29 saying he was fine and well and had sufficient clothing for winter wear and again not to worry. God bless him and all those dear boys who are adjusting so bravely to what must be an intolerable situation. I want to thank you again join my hope with yours that your own dear boy will come home safely and well. Dick's mother was my sister and passed away in 1934, so I have almost been a mother to him and his brother. However the present Mrs. Torrence their step mother has been a real mother to them and they love her dearly. I have a brother Bob Sheppard, who lives in the Texas Hill in your city and feel sure he, and all of our family join me in my expression of appreciation for your interest in our boy. My own son is England so this dreadful war is very real to me We must pray and hope that it will be over very soon. Sincerely, Mrs. WR Moncrief
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
World War II
Box 148, POW T Misc 1943-45, Item 058
7x10 paper
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