Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.

Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
Warren, Margaret
Lampasas, Texas April 27, 1943 Dear Mr. Carter: It surely is great to hear from Amon Jr. and Chester. I am glad you received the telegram from the Red Cross. Even though you haven't had a letter from him personally, you, at least, know he is alright. You will probably get a letter from him very soon. I received a letter from Chester this morning. It is the first one I have had. Since he wrote and told me what he would like for me to send him, I will copy most of the letter for you. March 20, 1943 Dearest Margaret, I am alright. Will be glad when I hear from you. I hope that you get this by the time you hear I am missing. I can receive any number of letters but only write a few. You and mother will have to get together. Peculiar being a prisoner of war. The last thing I ever dreamed about. Contact Red Cross. See about clothing, food, and book parcels. Only thru Red Cross can you send anything. I would like to have a complete unit of vitamin pills if you are allowed to send them. Finish out with Hershey plain bar. Use largest bars. Theses clothes, if possible; khaki suit, trousers 29-31, shirt 15 1/2-32, covera-alls, 3 underwear trunks, no undershirts, khaki-tie, 3 heavy colored handkerchiefs, an officer's khaki shirt, a package of needles, thread, good snub-nosed scissors (short blades or they won't be allowed). I think this is the only clothing parcel I will need. In a book parcel, I would like to have a dozen of the ruled composition books like we used in school in English and History classes. Also 2 typing paper, 1/2 doz. pencils, and eraser. Dont know about Burney. Don't worry, everything will be alright. The letter was written on a sheet of paper that folded into an envelope, and he had to crowd his words together to get very much on the sheet. This afternoon I received a letter from Marie Burney. She said the last time she heard from Buddy was the letter she received from him written Mar. 15. He was alright then. I trust you have received a letter from Amon Jr. by this time. Thank you for letting me know about the telegram. It certainly does help to hear things like that. Sincerely, Margaret Warren.
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
World War II
Box 148, POW W Misc 1943, Item 007
8.5x11 Paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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