Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.

Letter re: Amon Carter, Jr.
Wiggins, Beatrice M.
Dallas, Texas, Oct. 20, 1943, Miss K. Deakins, Fort Worth, Texas, Dear Miss Deakins, It was so very kind of you to write me in regard to the Boys in Prison Camp. I appreciate your interest where I am concerned, for every bit of information I can get means so much to me. it encourages me so much to have a champion like Mr. Carter to espouse our Boys' cause, for no doubt they will correct some of the delays when the receiving of packages and letters means the lifting of their spirits, where time must seem so long to them. I hear from my son, Ralph, about three or four times a month. He writes very cheerfully, but like Lt. Carter craves chocolate and edibles - (?) milk and vitamin tablets - also pipe-tobacco. So far, he has received only two letters from me, and the first box which I sent in April was not received up to August 28th - the last time he wrote me. He has asked me not to worry - he was all right. His time is spent in quite an ambitious program of study; always has liked to study and is quite an avid reader of worthwhile books. Please convey my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Carter for sending the enclosed information about the camp, and also the copies of the telegrams. i am sure these telegrams will carry much weight to the "powers that be", and more power to Mr. Carter! I thank you for taking time to write me - I shall always be grateful. We are very busy building planes to send across, and I am buying all acceptable materials that go into those B-24's for our Government, with my prayers that they will be sent where they will do the most good. With best wishes, I am yours sincerely, Beatrice M. Wiggins. 723 Dover Dallas, Texas. P.S. I shall gladly send any news I receive from my son, and I shall look forward to hearing from you again. B.M.W
Prisoners of war
Carter, Amon G., Jr.
World War II
Box 148, POW W Misc 1943, Item 045
8x10.5 Paper
Prior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph

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