Letter re: sailing on Leviathan

Letter re: sailing on Leviathan
Kay, Bertice Carter
Daddy, darlingest, Somehow, I can't realize that a week from today you'll be steaming away on the Leviathan - to Europe and - I hope - the best trip you've ever had. The Carol Moore's called yesterday and told us about the Prince of Wales opening the convention, etc. It will be an "experience of experiences", dear, and I know your blessed faculty of entertaining and being entertained will make it profitable in every way to you. Enjoy yourself, Angel! The little gift which this accompanies is loaded with good luck and sharply edged with love. It should help to prove a charm and an aid - especially financially. Everytime you use it, think of me and know that I'm loving you with all my heart and adding my "prayers" to yours. Now that you're on the boat, I can ask you to wish that I were with you. I don't mean it to be hurting, of course. I know it was impossible from all angles and yet - I can't help dreaming about how grand and glorious it would have been to take a trip - just the two of us. You're by far the best company in the world and I'd have loved being "Amon Carter's daughter" - I'm so proud of you. So - since I can't really go - won't you think of me as being with you in spirit? Perhaps, it will be a much more convenient ?, for you won't have to look after me. Think - that's all! You don't sail from South Hampton until the 5th of (July [strikethrough]) August, I think you said - well, you can't get here fro my birthday but I do want you - as a special favor to me, to make it a point to come by here on your way home. I don't relish these long intervals between seeing you and I hope you love me well enough to do this for me. Enough - I'm sure you will for you'll realize how much it means to me. Again, precious, have a wonderful time and forget all about worries on this side of the world. For once, live in the moment! If, through the medium of my small gift, you make a few extra "pence," I'd love a cable to know that you're safe, well, and happy. I love you, Daddy, always Bertice
Speck, Bertice Carter Kay
Box 304, Scraps, 1924 2 of 4 Folder, Item 014
6x7.5 paper
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