Fort Worth Star-Telegram Newsroom
- Title
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram Newsroom
- Institution
- Link
- Description
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram Newsroom, 1909. The caption included with the photo reads "Among the Folks in History (Feb. 1, 1926), Star-Telegram Junior. Here's a real throwback in newspaperdom. It shows the first editorial room of the Star-Telegram in 1909 just after The Star and The Telegram had merged. The man seated at the desk is none other than the original of Webster's famous cartoon 'The Man in the Brown Derby.' Closer scrutiny, however, may reveal a striking resemblance to Jimmy North. The man opposite him was not clearly so portly as the Gus Lindberg, who now bosses all mechanical departments. Then he was the slim, curly haired foreman of the composing room. On the right is Byron Utecht, city editor, looking just as serious as he does now, wondering why cruel fate made him a city editor and reporters are always late. The youngster against the back wall is George Smith, who started out then to learn the printer's trade as 'devil' but gave it up."
- Date
- 1909-02-19
- Decade
- 1900s
- Subjects
- Newspaper industry
- Employees
- Portrait photographs
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram
- North, Jimmy
- Lindberg, Gus
- Utecht, Byron C.
- Smith, George
- Source
- AR406-4-4-10
- Type
- Still Image
- Formats
- Prints
- Sepia
- Rights
- Any use of content downloaded or printed from this site is limited to non-commercial personal or educational use, including fair use as directed by U.S. copyright laws. For more information or for reproduction requests, please contact Special Collections at The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries.